Do these look real to you?
Here I am late night cruising the net
I haven't had sex for over a week when
right out of nowhere, jumps this nude
chick with big nice tits and a well
groomed p#@sy.
So Im sitting here looking at it
when my wife walks out of the
bedroom and sees me looking
at this nude chick on my computer.
And I say, I was just going to the
next blog and this one jumped right
out at me with all these photos of
nude horny chicks in my area that
want sex.
Really, I didn't like go looking for
any girly photos to look at, it really
just happened all by it self.
And she's like Ya Right!
If you don't believe me then
try it yourself, It works every time!
On the top left hand side of the blog
page it says: SEARCH BLOG FLAG BLOG Next Blog
Cick on the Next Blog until these chicks start
appearing. You don't even have to look for em.
They come to you.
My wife asked me to remove the above photo
from this weblog, but I told her that it has
become part of the decor now. Besides I'm
still trying to figure out if there real or not.
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